With great pleasure we can announce that Loredana Shani Inojosa, based in Santiago de Chile/Chile, joins Avvartes Partners.

For more than 12 years in multinational companies in Venezuela and Chile, Loredana has held executive positions in the Marketing area and Human Resources. She strongly believes on serving organizations in order to help them to perform better and also being people centered allowing society to be leveraged to its next evolving level. She has this dream of a better world and she is convinced that if she can dream it, she can make it real, she just has to act and with Avvartes she is sure we can go further.  

Loredana says that she joins Avvartes because “I fell in love with Avvartes at first sight, definitively because I completely share the values of Integrity, Generosity and Passion for what I do. Today I recognize that in this age of disruption we need to collaborate on “building a new species of a leader” that could drive humanity in to a better and evolved world. I strongly believe that the path to reach this second level needs a diverse community, naturally spread around the world, sharing the same values and commitment to serve our society and that is what I treasure most about Avvartes.”

You can reach more detailed information about Loredana from here

Welcome Loredana!